Bill comments on my suggestion here that we can translate 'something exists' into the language of the predicate calculus by means of '∃x. Object(x)' where Object is the concept at the root of the Porphyrian tree of classification concepts. Bill recounts how Frege offers a similar strategy using Self-identity as the genus generalissimum, but this, he thinks, is open to a number of objections. To say of something that it exists is not to say that it is self-identical, for if it ceases to exist does it cease to be self-identical? And there is a modal objection: something might not have existed, but might it have been non-self-identical? Bill generously links my name with Frege's on this idea but I would want to distance myself from Frege's use of Self-identity, since identity seems to me to be a linguistic relation over names rather than a relation over objects, and I'm not so sure that Bill's strictures against Self-identity as highest genus apply so well against Object. If something ceases to exist it ceases to be an object, and if it might not have been in existence it might not have been an object, or so it seems to me.
challenge comes in two parts: first, to express 'something exists';
second, to reveal a property 'whose instantiation is the existence of
something'. He says he takes me to be saying something like the
following, in his words, 'Just as the existence of cats is
the being-instantiated of the concept cat, the existence of something is the being-instantiated of the concept Object.'
He thinks this cannot be right, 'since each cat [referring to his two
cats] has its own existence, the existence of either cannot be the
being-instantiated of any quidditative concept'. In reply, I say that
Bill is rather putting words into my mouth. Words that I would not
choose for myself, with my aversion for abstract nouns. I would simply
say that
There is a cat ⇔ ∃x. Cat(x) ⇔ The concept Cat is instantiated.and
There is an object ⇔ ∃x. Object(x) ⇔ The concept Object is instantiated.
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